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The H3O/Art of Life Blog


Baba Malcolm X Said: Remembering El- Hajj Malik El- Shabazz, Maa Kheru Earthrise: May 19, 1925 Sunrise; February 21, 1965

Writer: The H3O/Art of Life BlogThe H3O/Art of Life Blog

By Dr. Gloria Latimore-Peace

Presented by Omni-University

"We declare our right on this earth… to be a human being, to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being in this society, on this earth, in this  day, which we intend to bring into existence by any means necessary…"[1]

"America has a very serious problem. Not only does America have a very serious  problem, but our people have a very serious problem. America's problem is us. We're her problem. The only reason she has a problem is she doesn't want us here…"[2]

"Our problem is your problem. It is not a [Black] problem, nor an American problem...This is a world problem, a problem for humanity. It is not a problem of civil rights. It is a problem of human rights!"  Ancestor Malcom X , Maa Kheru addressed human rights violations at the OAU (Organization of African Unity).

We can never get civil rights in America  until our human rights are restored. We will  never be recognized as citizens  until we are recognized as humans. “Racism: The Cancer That Is Destroying America “ in Egyptian Gazette , August 25, 1964

“Malcom I” by Charles Burroughs

“Immortal, he sits in fine company 

With L'ouverture and Cinque

With Vesy and Turner, and Prosser 

And Patrice Lumumba and Medgar Evers.

Live Brother Malcolm. 

Malcolm is dead. Long live Malcolm.

His spirit  is swirling around now

In this vital air spurring us all on

Who seek Freedom, who salute Freedom.

Salute! Brother Freedom.*

(From: “Life With Margaret: The Official Autobiography of Dr. Margaret T.G Burroughs, Maa Kheru)

From: Ancestor Sojourner Truth, Maa Kheru:

"Children, I talks to God and God talks to me. I goes out and talks to God in de fields and in de woods. This morning, I was walking out and I got over de fence. I saw the wheat hold up its head looking very bare and looking very dead. I goes up and takes ahold of it. Can you believe it? There wasn't any wheat 'dere!  [3] 

Din I says, "God, What ails dis wheat?" And he says to me, "Sojourner, There's a little weevil* in it." Now, I heard talk about dis Constitution and the rights of man. I comes up and takes a hold of this Constitution. It looks mighty big. And I feels for my rights but, there ain't any dere. Then I says, "God! What ails dis Constitution?" He says to me, "Sojourner, There's a little weevil* in it."  Ancestor Sojourner Truth , Maa Kheru1797-1883

*(From: “Life With Margaret: The Official Autobiography of Dr. Margaret T.G Burroughs, Maa Kheru.

Recommended Viewing:

We invite you to view the following H3O Art of Life Shows:

Recommended Reading:

Ancestor Malcolm X, Maa Kheru, and George Breitman. "Malcolm X Speaks: Selected Speeches and Statements."

Ancestor Manning Marable, Maa Kheru,. Malcolm X, Maa Kheru,: "A Life of Reinvention."

Ancestor Malcolm X. Maa Kheru, and Ancestor Alex Haley, Maa Kheru,. "The Autobiography of Malcolm X:

As told to Alex Haley."

Erika Lee. "America for Americans: A History of Xenophobia in the United States."

Malcolm X Quotes


[2] (1963) Malcolm X, "Message to the Grassroots." 

[3] Weevil- A weevil is a beetle. The "boll weevil" is a weevil that feeds on cotton buds and flowers...[by] the late 19th century, it had infested all U.S. cotton-growing areas...devastating the industry... in the American south. 



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