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The H3O/Art of Life Blog


To God Be The Glory!!

Writer: The H3O/Art of Life BlogThe H3O/Art of Life Blog

By D. Hand

Presented by Omni-U Virtual University 

It's not everyday that I get called upon to help save an entire globe of Humans.  

The Calling said, "Stop your entire life and DO THIS NOW!  I do not care that you are busy." 

To which I replied  ..

"Pick somebody else.  Why me?" 

"Why you!? Aren't you the one who wakes up each and every day claiming to want to serve humanity!  

Well, I am calling your bluff.  Plus, don't forget. I once made you a technology expert, long before I let you go off and play in art.  That was My plan.  You needed the art thing to enhance your consciousness because litlle did you know that Artificial Intelligence was going to one day  make it necessary for EVERY SINGLE HUMAN on Earth to immediately understand this subject for their own survival.  All of them!  Now, my servant,  I have prepared you well.  Write a book that makes readers smart about AI- a book that adds a unique perspective,  that synthesizes the many issues of AI into a focused conversation with important take-aways that are immedately useful to every reader.  Accomplish this using easy language and examples that also show how AI works “under the hood” but, make it interesting, yet simple, and, BTW, do not make it about doom and gloom but, rather, seek to inspire people to feel empowered - not helpless.  And Do It ASAP. In other words, "Do it NOW."

That was the calling -- no superhero-cape-issuance ceremony.  No instructions except... " Write the one book about AI that every Human needs to read right away because it is not enough for humans to be “ in the know“ about the latest AI gadgets or to be a daikt shocking  headlines about AI.They need to be smart about AI itself.  They need to be truly informed about what AI is, what it does, and how it will do it.  Then, and only then, will humans gain the power We need to survive, let alone thrive, in an AI world." 

I tried to resist my mission at first, but I came through. I did my part and I did my best  [cape flapping in the wind].  Here's. that book: short and sweet- yet powerful! And a great gift !!!  

 We The Algorithms - Artificial Intelligence - What It Is! What It Will Do! How It Will Do It!





"We The Algorithms - Artificial Intelligence" is the one book on AI that all Humans could benefit from reading. Whether or not they are new to the subject of AI or an expert, whether young or old, interested in AI or totally unconcerned with it. This book offers a new perspective that shifts the Artificial Intelligence conversation from a narrative of Humans as helpless to a conversation of Humans as very much still the empowered captains of our own fate. Most current conversations about Artificial Intelligence tend to redirect our attention away from this critical point rather than truly informing us.

We The Algorithms - Artificial Intelligence is one of the few books that offers a clear and comprehensive understanding of what AI is, how it works, and how it will impact Humankind. It offers a path forward that includes actions we can all take to protect Humankind. It is jam-packed with great information, commentary, and examples that cut through the noise and get to the real issues.

One look at the introduction to this book clearly shows why no Human can afford to NOT understand this subject and the implications AI has for us all. Readers are presented with a clear and comprehensive understanding of AI while also learning just how much power Humans still have to take actions as AI changes the world around us. It shows how Artificial Intelligence could easily supplant our "real" intelligence unless we understand how it works, Understanding this aspect is the first step to protecting ourselves and Humankind from the potential negative effects of AI. Books such as "We The Algorithms - Artificial Intelligence" are truly "must reads!"


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Artificial Intelligence- General



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